What Can You Really Expect From A House Keeping Service?

What Can You Really Expect From A House Keeping Service?
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These days most household members are working outside the home. Working a full-time job means a hectic schedule. So, doing the cooking and keeping a house clean can often be challenging. It doesn’t really matter if you have laid all the house cleaning tips on the table, and everyone is busy. 

If you can afford to pay for an extra set of helping hands to reduce your weekly stress, hiring a cleaning service offering a housekeeping maid may be an excellent solution to your problems. Before you begin scouting, you’ll need to know what type of housekeeping tasks you need to expect from a housekeeping service. 

Below are the most common responsibilities and some essential tips on how you can hire the right housekeeping service for your home. 

Importance of Hiring Professional Housekeeping services

Keeping a clean and neat space

Cleaner wiping the desk

A tidy space is necessary to make your home comfortable and healthy. Whatever your reasons for hiring professionals, having them around enables you to do your daily task seamlessly and effectively. It offers you peace of mind that is essential for you to function at your best. With the housekeeper by your side, it gives you time to spend with those who matter most- family. 

Tend to your needs and requirements

One of the benefits of housekeeping is that you can pay for a specific task that needs to be completed. For instance, you will need deep cleaning of one room only. You can hire the service for initial and final touch-ups.

Expect a quality result

House cleaning prices don’t come cheap, so quality result is a must. As they are experts in their field, they should have the right skills and equipment needed to better clean your home. Sometimes, when we clean there are areas that we overlooked either because we don’t know how to clean them or we just intentionally skip them. A professional housekeeper will make sure that they clean all the areas of the house regardless of how difficult it is to access or clean it.

Basic duties you can expect your housekeeper to perform

Female cleaner wiping a glass window

With the right knowledge and necessary experience and qualifications, a housekeeper can carry out a variety of basic cleaning services. It is important to note that the list of duties that a housekeeper can do will depend on your needs. So, make sure that you include your specifications and housekeeping rules in your job listings. 

Here are what is included in their general duties: 

Bedrooms and living areas

Bedrooms and Living areas are considered to have high foot traffic. So they tend to get dusty and cluttered faster compared to the rest of the house. You can expect your service provider to:

  • Dust all surfaces which include all countertops, shelving, tabletops, and other surfaces.
  • Cleaning of floors. Whether you have carpets, wood, rugs, or laminate, they will mop, vacuum, and clear all floors with clutter. 
  • Wiping down all glass and light fixtures. Since glass and light fixtures carry a lot of dust and other debris. Your housekeeper will make sure that they are given a good polish and make them good as new. 
  • Throwing garbage. Housekeepers will make sure to clean up after a good round of cleaning by making sure all garbage bins are removed and segregated. 

Bathrooms and Toilets

The bathroom is one of the least favorites for almost everyone when it comes to cleaning. This is the breeding ground for mold, and mildew which can significantly affect the health of your family. Fortunately, most housekeeping services cover the following:

  • Clean and disinfect all surfaces. Sinks, showers, tubs, and toilets will all be brushed, washed, wiped, and sanitized. This gets rid of the mold build-up giving your space a fresh, and clean smell. 
  • Wiping down all mirrors and fixtures. Mirrors and light fixtures are a very important part of a bathroom. Therefore, they will also be given a good polish with the right cleaning solution. 
  • Clean all floor surfaces. Bathroom floors can get very dirty easily. Giving them a good scrub and polish will get them to look great again. 
  • Garbage removal. Your housekeeper will make sure that your garbage bins are taken to the curb and sanitized.

Kitchen and Dining

Wiping the stove

The kitchen is also known as the “heart” of the home. It is a place where you and your family often spend most of your time. Here’s what to expect from your service provider to perform in this very important space: 

  • Dust all surfaces. Your maid will remove all the clutter from your countertops, and dust any available surfaces. They will also dust under and behind your appliances to make sure it’s crumb-free. 
  • Wiping down all appliances. Appliances require frequent cleaning to function well. Depending on the surface, your housekeeper will use the necessary cleaning solution to get them clean again. 
  • Dust and mop floors. This includes the removal of any excess clutter and mopping and vacuuming the floor when necessary. You may also want to know about upholstery cleaning cost, or if it’s part of the service as well. 

Difference between a house cleaner and a housekeeper

3 maid cleaners

A housekeeper and a house cleaner may sound very similar, however, they are entirely different. The major distinction between the two is the number of visits and services they perform at your home. 

A housekeeper is more present in your home. She will be maintaining the cleanliness of your home a few times a week or more depending on your needs. A housekeeper can complete a list of daily or weekly tasks. You need to provide them with your preferred cleaning products they need to do their housekeeping jobs. 

On the other hand, a house cleaner is someone you would typically hire for big jobs or one-offs. For instance, you are preparing for a big event or getting a home ready for sale. They will help you deep clean your home top-to-bottom. 

Remember, every job description and service can vary, so there’s a fine line between a housekeeper, a house cleaner, and a pack-out cleaning service. That’s why it is very important to let the person you hire know and agree with the duties, consistency you require, and the duties she needs to perform. 

Let’s Wrap Up

Keeping the house clean and organized is a tedious routine. There are times you might leave something unturned during your cleaning time. There are also instances where you need to hire a professional to deep clean your house. When that time comes, you need to know what to expect from these professionals. If, for instance, your bathroom looks so messy, and simple housekeeping couldn’t help it, it would be best for you to start looking for bathroom remodeling trends and make it as a start-up project for beautifying your home. 

After choosing the cleaning company, let them know about your housekeeping rules to avoid problems. So, if you need more advice there, you can turn to us today. We can also be your best house cleaning service to hire for your weekly or monthly cleaning needs.

We also offer an online booking appointment service here, or just visit our Houzz page


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