Carpet Cleaning: DIY vs. Professional – Which is the Best Option?

Carpet Cleaning: DIY vs Professional - Which is the Best Option?
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At some point in time, probably all carpet owners need to clean their carpets thoroughly. While carpet cleaning is vital for removing stains, cleaning them can significantly improve their life span. However, there are two main options for carpet cleaning, DIY, or professional.If correctly done, both of these options will offer a perfect deep clean instead of just removing stains and dirt. But which of these two options is better for you? Should you DIY or hire a professional? There are quite a few facts to consider when you want to clean your carpets. Read along, and your carpets will thank you for a good cleaning.

Reasons to Hire Professional Carpet Cleaners

Bedroom Carpet Cleaning

It is in the best of your interest to hire a professional carpet cleaning service merely because of their experience. This helps them to do a much better job than you can do it yourself. Further, their equipment has more extraction power than anything available to you. Moreover, they also know the right cleaning agents to use. Nevertheless, they know the differences in construction and fibers of carpets.

Better Equipment

No matter how you look at it, when it comes to carpet cleaning, professionals have powerful equipment. Besides, the type of steam and deep cleaners you buy or rent at local stores cannot match professional equipment’s quality and potency.Professionals spend hundreds of dollars on their equipment. This is one of the significant points you should consider while deciding whether you should DIY or hire a professional.

Less Time to Dry

When you contact professionals to clean your carpets, they usually know to do it very well. Further, they have the proper industrial-grade equipment that gets the job done. As a result, the work done is a lot faster than DIY.This also means that dry times will be significantly lower. Interestingly, quicker dry times will help you get your house back in order sooner than you may realize.


The DIY carpet cleaning process takes lots of effort. In addition to that, it can take several hours to clean your entire carpet properly. However, it depends on the size of your home and carpet. But, with a professional carpet cleaner, you are paying for the convenience of doing everything.Professionals use their equipment, transport the machines to and fro, offer water for cleaning, and move the waste away. Thus, when you hire professionals, the chances of damaging your floor are low.

Maintain your Carpet’s Appearance

Having a professional carpet cleaner at your home can keep your carpet’s appearance last long. For instance, the high traffic areas in your house, like hallways and entryways, tend to build up dirt and debris quicker. Besides, if you have pets and kids, carpets can trap in soils much faster.As a result, if you leave this dirt for too long, it can become a challenge to clean. Therefore, you need a professional cleaner at least once a year to restore your carpet’s appearance.


You don’t know what you will get when you embark on cleaning carpets yourself. Suppose the equipment can be faulty, or you might struggle to use the equipment. After all, this equipment is not easy to use.However, when you hire a professional, you can expect a spotless carpet. Further, this will give you peace of mind and save you from potential struggle and unwanted frustrations.

Reasons For DIY Carpet Cleaning

DIY Office Carpet Cleaning

Now, if you have decided to rent or buy a cleaning machine and do the work yourself, you should check on several machines before you make a selection.Further, most rental units may not clean your carpet thoroughly; besides, you may end up damaging your carpet. Moreover, the rental equipment is not as powerful as those of professionals.

Follow Your Schedule

Whether you are a stay at home parent or have kids and work, finding time to clean your carpet becomes difficult. In that case, hiring a professional carpet cleaner can be helpful, but at the same time, you have to follow their schedule and what they have available.On the contrary, when you clean the carpet yourself, you have the freedom to follow your schedule. In short, it is something significant to think about when you have a hectic lifestyle.

Saving Money

Professional carpet cleaners usually go by the square feet of your home, which means the bigger your house, the more you have to pay. For example, a house of 200-400 square feet may cost between $80 to $130. At the same time, a house of 1000-1500 square feet may cost you above $200.If you don’t have that much to shell on hiring a professional cleaning service, renting a cleaning equipment piece for your carpet is the best option. And that will save a lot of money.

Suitable for Small Stains

If your house is prone to frequent messes and frequent spills, DIY carpet cleaning is the best option for you. Although it is recommended to get your carpets professionally cleaned once a year, this doesn’t mean you should limit your carpet cleaning to annual. Furthermore, DIY carpet cleaning helps remove day-to-day surface stains and spills on your carpet.

Carpet Cleaning: DIY vs Professional

Renting or buying carpet cleaning equipment and doing the job yourself can be a less expensive option. Especially it is the best option if your cleaning limits to day to day spills and surface cleaning.Nevertheless, a professional cleaning service does cost a little more; but they offer a better result in a shorter period. For example, if your carpet has heavy stains and soils, then the professional carpet cleaning can return your carpet to a cleaner state.Further, professional cleaners have better commercial carpet cleaning systems, supplies, and training with almost every carpet type. On that note, if you choose between carpet cleaning DIY vs. professional; and want to save effort and any possible damage to your carpet, you should go strongly consider a professional cleaning service to avoid any mishaps with your self-cleaning experiments.


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